Wednesday July 1, 2020

The Namaste Farm Swim Team

We love our ducks, as you’ve read in the past few blogs. I’m sure you’ve heard the story of the ugly duckling who grew to be a swan. No swans here, but the ducklings have all started looking a lot more like ducks lately. Along the way, they have all lived outdoors when possible, including their introduction to water when we had only had them for a few days. Some of them will stay on our farm, grow into true adults, hopefully lay eggs, and produce more ducklings. The rest will be processed and provide some lucky people with tasty meals. It’s the cycle of life on a farm.

We have raised our ducklings as we do our other animals, with respect and every freedom possible in their sometimes short lives. The ducklings arrived without feathers, so their early swimming had to be closely monitored to make sure that they didn’t drown or die from a chill. As time went on and they changed from fluffy yellow babies to real white or brown ducks with feathers, they got out to roam around more and pick grass under the watchful eyes of our guard dogs.

We want you to know that our livestock, including these ducks, live natural lives before they serve whatever purpose we raise them to serve, be it meat, eggs, or breeding. Our poultry grows up in groups with other youngsters their age. They are not raised on feed with antibiotics. Ducks are meant to swim. Namaste Farms ducks do just that.

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