Sunday August 30, 2020

Hurricane Prep in Tennessee?

I spent Friday afternoon getting ready for the arrival of now tropical storm Laura in east Tennessee. Our thoughts are with all the people in Louisiana and Texas who suffered the onslaught of the storm at full force on Thursday. We know what it’s like to get ready for bad weather. Now that the storm is making its way north, Namaste Farm is in its path.

I am thankful when I know that bad weather is on the way instead of arriving like an unwanted guest while we are at work. This time there was a lot of warning. What do we do to get ready for this kind of bad weather? First thing, of course, is to make sure the animals are inside. Thank goodness for our dogs to assist in rounding up the sheep and bringing them up to the barn. When the sheep are inside, the guard dogs take over to stand watch and stay safe from the storm.

The next thing is to make sure all the ducks have fresh bedding - such messy birds! With the predicted arrival of the storm in mid afternoon, I fed everyone early so I wouldn’t have to tromp around in wind and rain to serve dinner. The last chore is to make sure the generator in the garage is easily accessible. You know how clutter can add up when you aren’t looking. I was able to do all these things by late afternoon on Friday. Thankfully, the storm didn’t really hit until after dark, but here at Namaste Farm, we were ready!

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