Friday July 31, 2020

It's date night!

Remember what life was like before COVID, when we all went where we pleased whenever we wanted? Back in those days, we always designated Wednesday as our date night, a time to go somewhere to eat and do something fun, to reconnect with each other away from the farm. Of course, the opposite is now true. Like everyone else, we’ve mostly been stuck at home together. I thought it’s about time to actually sit and listen to each other again, so tonight is date night.

When you live on a farm, animals always get to eat first. Date night can’t begin until animal care is completed, which may be a little late, as usual. Sheep, dogs, chickens, guinea fowl, ducks, and the parrot must all get what they need. Then, on this special night, we put all that aside, turn off the electronics and phones, and prepare to have some great food at a little picnic of our own.

What’s on the menu? I’ll let the pictures speak for themselves, but here’s a hint about the dessert: I’m a huge fan of the Great British Baking Show! I hope you had an equally happy Friday evening.

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