Sunday July 12, 2020

On Guard!

Two of the most important members of the Namaste Farm family are our two Anatolian Shepherd guardian dogs, Sabin and Bryant. Can you tell we’re Bama fans? These two are a five-year-old brother and sister we got from a breeder as puppies when we first started our farm. Many farms use the Great Pyrenees breed you’ve probably seen - large, long haired white dogs the size of sofas - but we chose this breed instead. We haven’t been disappointed. They keep our farm and all of our animals safe.

The dogs spend all their time with the sheep, night and day. Because there are two, one can rest while the other watches. Most of the work is at night when natural predators like coyotes and foxes are out and about, but during the day the dogs guard our poultry from hawks and stray dogs. The list of potential threats to our flock and poultry is extensive, also including bobcats, skunks, raccoons, etc. The dogs know the difference between the chickens, guineas, and ducks they protect and whatever threatens them. While the dogs are fine with our invited guests, they also would be a deterrent to any unknown humans, especially at night.

Life with guardian dogs is much different than your average pet dog. Because they live and work independently outdoors, guardians don’t respond well to normal dog training. The animals they protect come to know and rely on them, When worried, sheep will rush to the dogs. The dogs are often seen babysitting lambs while ewes graze nearby. Chickens sometimes pluck at the dogs fur for nesting materials. On our farm, the guardian dogs are one of the main reasons we can focus on our work knowing our flock is under their care.

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